“Blues Rock Generations” was formed spontaneously, in early 2021 with acoustic playing of old songs by two boys who are classmates and studying acoustic guitars at a local music school. Both of them have the same taste for "good old things". Their names are Jakub Adamec and Samo Kolník and they live in Piestany, Slovakia. Jakub's grandfather Stefan Adamec remembered many songs from the late 60's, when he played with his own band and joined their rehearsals with acoustic guitar and vocals. To the growing play list, grandfather added his own compositions based on the poems of the long-time family friend Alex Gustafik, which were arranged by Jakub on solo guitar and Samo on electronic drums. Thus, in addition to own songs, the group's repertoire includes a return to the basics of modern rock and roll and even further into the past to blues songs from the 20s and 30s. The band represents a bridging of generations from grandson to grandfather and at the same time a crossing of generations of musical genres with a return to blues and rock. That's why it's called "Blues Rock Generations." The band played its first official concert on August 12, 2021 at the “La Musica” music garden café restaurant in Piestany.
Jakub Adamec – Kubo
Born in 2009 Slovakia
He got his first guitarlele Yamaha at Christmas, when he was only two years old. He played naturally on all the instruments that came into his hands naturally from an early age. However, the guitar is a priority from the beginning. He has been studying classical guitar since he was 5 years old. He gradually focused on playing electric guitars and therefor is a solo guitarist in the band. He attends secondary grammar school in Piestany and, in addition to music, is interested in the history and techniques associated with the development of guitars and effects.
Samuel Kolník - Samo
Born in 2008 Slovakia
He had his first contact with music from the early years of his life in a family circle, and from an early age he tended to play the guitar on which his father played. From the age of 8 he has been studying classical guitar at a music school, to which he added lessons on acoustic drums. He plays on electronic drums in the band. He attends secondary grammar school in Piestany and, in addition to music, he was interested in sports, especially tennis.
Stefan Adamec - Stevo
Born in 1953 Slovakia
He studied accordion for 7 years, but at the same time played guitar and he was singing. In the late 1960s as a teenager, he had his own group called News. During the first years of his university studies, he sang in the Lucnica academic choir. In his professional life, he worked as an economist on an international scale and devoted himself to his family. He is currently retired and is back again into music, mainly with the project "Blues Rock Generations", where he sings and plays the accompanying guitar. He also performs with his own solo project "Classic Acoustic Songs".
Jakub Adamec – Kubo
Narodený v r. 2009 Slovensko
Prvé guitalele Yamaha dostal na Vianoce, keď mal len dva roky. V podstate na všetkých nástrojoch, ktoré sa mu dostali do ruky, hral prirodzene od malička. Gitara je však priorita od začiatku. Od 5 rokov študuje klasickú gitaru. Postupne sa orientoval a zameriava sa na hru na elektrických gitarách a v kapele je sólový gitarista. Navštevuje Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina v Piešťanoch a okrem hudby sa zaujíma o históriu a techniku spojenú s vývojom gitár a efektov.
Samuel Kolník – Samo
Narodený v r. 2008 Slovensko
Prvý kontakt s hudbou mal od prvých rokov života v kruhu rodiny a od malička inklinoval ku gitare, na ktorej hrával otec. Od 8 rokov študuje klasickú gitaru v hudobnej škole, ku ktorej pridal hodiny na akustických bicích. V kapele hrá na elektronické bicie. Navštevuje Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina v Piešťanoch a okrem hudby sa zaujímal o šport, najmä tenis.
Štefan Adamec – Števo
Narodený v r. 1953 Slovensko
7 rokov študoval hru na akordeón, ale pritom sa venoval hre na gitare a spevu. Koncom 60-tych rokov ako teenager mal vlastnú skupinu News. Počas prvých rokov štúdia na vysokej škole spieval v akademickom zbore Lúčnica. V profesijnom živote pracoval ako ekonóm v medzinárodnom meradle a venoval sa rodine. V súčasnosti je na dôchodku a opäť sa venuje hudbe najmä s projektom „Blues Rock Generations“, kde spieva a hrá na sprievodnej gitare. Vystupuje aj s vlastným sólovým projektom „Classic Acoustic Songs“.